يفخر المعهد بالحصول على شهادة اعتماد وطنية ودولية تعزز تميزه وجودته في كل جانب من جوانب عملياته.
كليات التميز

تسعى AWE جاهدة لتحقيق التميز والجودة في كل جانب من جوانب عملها. حصل المعهد على شهادة اعتماد المؤهلات من هيئة منح جوائز كليات التميز (COE) التي تؤيد برامج التدريب المهني الـ 21 الخاصة به.
National Center for Strategic Partnerships

We are a certified center to the National Strategic Program for Occupational Safety and Health supported by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development.

Takamol Holding Company is a government empowerment unit tasked with providing transformation, improving performance, and enhancing capabilities in human resources and social development. We are pleased that HIWPT is an accredited partner of Takamol Holding as one of the testing centers in the region for the skills assessment programs.
ISO-9001:2015 of Quality Management System

EWA is certified compliant with ISO-9001:2015 of Quality Management System with the scope of providing technical training in tertiary education. This recognition shows that HIWPT complies with stringent management systems in accordance with international standards.
National eLearning Center

The eLearning programs at HIWPT are compliant with and accredited by the National eLearning Center, which is an entity in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that aims to improve the process and quality of distance education and eLearning training programs.
ISO-9001:2015 of Quality Management System

EWA is ISO 45001:2018 certified to improve overall workplace safety and reduce the number of occupational risks.
CWQAP Saudi Aramco

HIWPT is an authorized Institute to offer qualification exams for technicians of the approved contractors of Saudi Aramco.
King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy (K.A. CARE)

The institute is an accredited training center of the King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy (K.A. CARE) to offer training courses in the area of solar energy systems with the approved educational curriculum, in compliance with the standards of quality and development.
City & Guilds

AWE is an approved qualification center by the City & Guilds to offer diplomas for performing engineering operations.
The National Center for Training Evaluation and Accreditation (MASAR)

AWE is an institution accredited by the National Center for Training Evaluation & Accreditation (MASAR) under the office of the Education and Training Evaluation Commission (ETEC), the premier agency for the accreditation and assessment of education and training in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
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- (+966) 12 4222322
- info@ewa.edu.sa
- Ewa_ksa
- P.O. Box 53, Rabigh 21911 المملكة العربية السعودية
ساعات العمل
- 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM
- من الأحد للخميس